Sunday, January 08, 2006


Tim Sabo (homeowner) writes:

What's up with the homeowner's association raising the monthly fee $50/month?
Let's get some chatter going about this on the site so we can address as a group at the 1/12 meeting.

Shouldn't this be discussed/voted on before they do it?
Is there a homeowner on the committee?

We need to find out what DISCOVERY LAND charges homeowners at other facilities. (VAQUERO in Dallas,etc)

My concern is: they will raise this fee proportional with the number of houses in the community, i.e...40 houses = $2400/year but when community is complete.....400 houses = $24,000/year.

Some of these upscale communities charge rates in this zone.

Tim reports:
-----Original Message-----
From: Phoebe Dill []
Sent: Sun 1/8/2006 11:28 AM
To: Tim Sabo
Subject: Vaquero HOA dues

Dear Tim,

In answer to your question, Vaquero Homeowners dues are $1340 paid
semi-annually for all homeowners. People who live in the Village Homes pay
an additional $3600 a year.

If you have any other questions, please let me know.


Phoebe Dill
Vaquero - Discovery Land Company
1405 Fountain Grass Court
Westlake, TX 76262
(817) 430-6600
FAX (817) 430-6601

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