Saturday, December 10, 2005


I could never transfer all that data into this website - it must run a hundred pages. All appears to be well thought out and clearly presented.

I thought that you might find excerpts interesting as I come upon various subjects in my reading, to give you a snapshot. However, remember that this is just a snapshot, and you might need the context to get the whole story.

My reading of this is that it's close to the original Brochure Description, which I capitalize, as that's what grabbed us, and we are happy to see it preserved.

In that spirit, there are new requirements for maintaining the natural look - and it covers the design of homes, the materials used, and the transition from natural to house-envelope areas.

To that end, I found this interesting.

The building Envelope is basically where your house goes. That's where man made improvements take place. No man made improvements are allowed in the natural area... the portion of your lot that lies outside the building envelope.

WITHIN the building envelope:

for lots .75 to 1 acre
14 hardwood trees minimum, min 6" minimum
7 ornamental trees
600 shrubs, 1 to 5 gallon

It seems obvious to me they are intending to get away from the sweeping lawns some folks have put in.

for lots 1 to 1.5 acres
18 hardwood trees minimum, 6" minimum
10 ornamental trees
700 shrubs, 1 to 5 gallon

There's lots more detail, but that'll give you a taste. Existing shrubbery and trees count to the total. But remember, this is WITHIN the building envelope!

Come back for more.

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