Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Back after 10 days away...

For the past week or so, Terri and I chartered a sailboat out of St. Lucia.

We are happy to be home in S.O. after a very late arrival last night.

Which was after --- Ferry-Taxi-Jet-Jet-Jet-CAR* and there's a story on the car I will share with you. We found a WONDERFUL car service* - he's also available for other concierge efforts. I am so impressed, that I will make a link for the side of the page. Believe me, if you take a taxi to the airport, you'll love his new BMW and perfect service. I doubt you can find better!

He met us here at 4AM the day we left and even though we were an hour late arriving back (at about 11PM last night,) he was there at the airport waiting for us.


Our highest recommendation!

Bob and Terri Wood

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