Tuesday, August 05, 2008


You might be surprised to know that answers are sometimes very difficult to get from the management. Perhaps if I begin to post them here, others might wish to add their voices to the questions and maybe then we can access a timely answer.

I have been asking about the Propane Issue for months now. Info had been promised repeatedly. Still, no news.

But here's another: prompted by the almost-hurricane Eduardo headed this way, and living right beside and in front of two homes under construction, I wonder what, if any, regulations are in place for builders in the event of a hurricane? The Spanish tiles stacked on the roof next door would seem to be ideal heavy "kites" under enough wind. The same with any plywood panels unattached. And debris not in the dumpster. Just look at any construction site and ask yourself what could blow into YOUR house under enough wind pressure? Obviously, the builder has $$$ incentive to make sure all is buttoned down, but I wonder who decides what and when? Example: moving all those tiles onto the roof is no easy job. Moving them OFF would be just as time and labor intensive.

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