Sunday, November 18, 2007


Boy, you can tell how the development is growing by the number of dogs and owners at this years dog bash. If all goes well - and this is a first for this blog - there should be a look at the party below. Hope you enjoy it. Uhhh... the mystery continues: despite blogger's assurance that it's there, I see nothing. I'll try from time to time to reload it - it DOES exist on my computer archive - but I suspect there's an issue at the blogger home office. Apparently I am not alone - Blogger admits uploading video trouble. I will keep trying just to see it through. At least now there's a load size indicator. That's new. I am hopeful. Ah, but the dreaded processing video follows... and appears to be the hangup. I try again - the 20th time? I wonder if they have a team on this or just one savant with Jolt cola? - who might have had a bad attitude having to work over Thanksgiving (do they have Thanksgiving in India?) These guys should have a look at YouTube. Probably a lot more complicated than it seems: Load file, play file. Or maybe the conversion means lower the resolution (I already did that, to almost-cheese!) Wouldn't you think, as fast as YouTube is growing, that this would be a priority? Well, on the 14th try it loaded right quick. Now we go through the processing part. Place your bets. Results below. In honor of the dogs, I won't let go of this bone. I realize I can load into YouTube and link to that, but in this case I am stubborn as a junk-yard dog. It's a damn SLIDESHOW, not even a video! Should be a piece of cake! Now this is getting to me. I refuse to be beaten. I'm up to about 30 attempts, changing things in the HTML, experimenting, seeking similar HELP stories online.

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