Not quite the same as the movie SNAKES ON A PLANE, but our friends in the Preserve (gated area on Overlook Pass) send this picture of a rattler they killed on the neighbor's porch last night.
I am reminded of living in the Woodlands, north of Houston, where my mother-in-law stepped OVER a snake stretched along the step edge into the garage.
Herpitologists say they - rattlers - would rather just hide. Still, tell your kids and watch your dogs.
Awesome use of this blog. Let's put every/any negative item on here, including hideous photos like this, so noone ever buys here. That way the value of our homes will be next to nothing and we can all lose money if we ever sell.
This is unbelievably dumb to post a message about Rattle Snakes in our community.
What are we thinking????
"We" are thinking snakes are a way of life here and a reminder is possibly helpful. If anyone believes Spanish Oaks is singled out by reptilian conspiracies, they had better study up on Texas. As I wrote, The Woodlands had quite a collection of snakes there - many poisonous - with community forums on such - and it certainly hasn't hurt their growth. You'd regularly see dead ones on the street.
Bt the way, when we lived in 'America's Finest City' (self proclaimed) San Diego, there were Rattlers all over the neigborhood. Home values were unaffected.
So you'd rather see some more sweet items, why don't you contribute some? And why hide behind anonymous postings?
And using your logic - let's not post pictures of wrecks at our east gate either, right? (Never mind that some make it to TV and newspaper.) That might hurt your property values, too. Forget the caution it just might grow in someone who otherwise might risk it on a busy day, and lose the gamble.
That's what "we" are thinking.
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