Tuesday, May 24, 2011


It was a decidedly sunny mood within this gathered group, notably different from other annual stormy meetings we've had in years past under another set of developers.

The new board of directors of the HOA was introduced: President Jack Krevling, VP Robbie Kidd, Secretary/Treasurer Diego Rubio. There is no homeowner rep on this board as of yet, but one is expected in the future. Pam Chandler stays on as HOA manager.

Original developer and SO visionary Daniel Porter was in attendance but did not speak.

Upon taking over the project, the new Declarant set to paying down the nearly $225,000 shortfall/debt left behind. They have also and obviously taken on the project of bringing the development back to much higher standards than we've seen in the past few years. Roads and landscaping are the first issues to be tackled, and they are about to replace damaged or dead landscaping. Trail repair is now a monthly item on the new operating plan.

The guards will be monitored for compliance to our standards. Starting soon we will return to a roving guard in daytime hours.

A study is underway to see how we could recycle water for irrigation in all common areas. There would be no watering restrictions on recycled non-potable water usage.

Lighting has fallen into some state of disrepair and is being fixed, replaced, or adjusted.

Design guidelines have been changed minimally (said to streamline and make more easily understood.) Cement roof tiles will be allowed. Copper gutters no longer required.

We are on track to have a fully functioning stop light at the east entrance.

A discussion of vandalism at the fishing camp and lodge may lead to removal of keycode access to the development. "Monitoring" of these areas is likely.

Signage will be placed to identify our community, and other development signage is in process of being restored, maintained, or replaced.

After the HOA meeting, Jack took questions regarding the Golf club, which is scheduled to reopen this Friday. There will be three types of membership: Local $40k; "National" (for those who live elsewhere, for example, Houston). I didn't get a price on that; and Social, at $12k and $260/mo.

Greg Smith is the new director of Golf.

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