Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Dear Neighbors,

It's that time of year again, that many of us ponder what gifts to get our friends and family this holiday season...

When I ask myself what my kids' need, the answer I get is a resounding "nothing." Even when asked to make Christmas Wish Lists, their wants are very modest. They are fortunate enough to have all of their needs met throughout the year as well as many of their wants. What I would really like to give them this holiday season is the gift of "giving."

Let me clarify that as to not include recipients that would need their gifts purchased out of catalogs reading something like "gifts for the person that has it all."

I have found an organization "The Christmas Bureau," that puts sponsors in touch with applicants who hope to be sponsored for the holidays. The sponsorship must include, but is not limited to the following:

- holiday meal, can be groceries or gift card
- wrapped gift for each child

They ask that items be delivered on or before the 20th. One of the coolest things about this organization is that you get to speak to and directly deliver the items. This is appealing to me as I would like my kids to see that it is not the norm to be greated by a smiling Cottril when arriving home, rather the exception.

If there is enough interest, I would like to organize a neighborhood sponsorship of some families. Please let me know if you are interested in sponsoring a family, sharing a sponsorship, donating money, shopping, delivering, or contacting a family to find out what their specific needs are.

Please contact me via email at lbailes@austin.rr.com or phone at 291-6617.


Lori Bailes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Lori,
I would be interested in helping with this project. However I am leaving for Christmas on the 15th, so let me know what I can do, maybe shopping or money?
Penny McCarthy